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FEATURED ARTIST: Genevieve Dodson

Genevieve Dodson just released a couple new songs relating to personal experiences. 'A Letter to My Sister' shows the impact a close friend can leave on a person. This song is extremely catchy and the lyrics are sure to relate to many people out there. 'Erase Me' is an emotional song about how hurtful and hard some relationships can be. Although only having two songs released, Genevieve holds so much passion for music and this is an artist that you need to know.

Gracey got the chance to get to know Genevieve and ask her about her recent releases, goals for the future, and more! Read below now!

Can you please introduce yourself for the people who may not know who you are?

My name is Genevieve Dodson and I'm a 16 year-old musician from St. Louis, Mo.

What inspired you to start making music?

Originally I was a musical theatre actress playing guitar on the side. But after years of watching my dad perform locally, I decided to study it full time. It felt like my guitar was calling me to make music.

Can you tell us about your recent releases? The inspiration behind them?

'A Letter to My Sister' was about meeting my best friend for the first time. I knew she was going to change me for the better, so I had to make her want to be around me. And 'Erase Me' was about a really difficult relationship. I didn't want to be left behind, but I knew I had to let him go.

If you had to describe yourself musically in 3 words, what would they be?

Personal, classic, and interesting.

What goals do you have for the future of your music?

Mostly just to make people feel understood and like they're not alone. But also to get out and play shows in other states and make my music more than just an acoustic guitar, which is actually happening pretty soon.

Who are some of your music inspirations?

Classic rock artists like The Beatles, The Eagles, Alice Cooper, and Fleetwood Mac. Also, The Cranberries, Delores O'Riordan, Vinyl Theatre, Keegan Calmes, The Catching, Bronnie, and Lauren Ruth Ward.

Lastly, do you have anything else you would like to tell our audience?

One of my biggest things I always wanted to tell people is to follow your dreams. Even if your dreams change throughout your life, keep chasing them. And never be afraid to take big steps and giant leaps, because that's how you get noticed. And listen to more classic rock music. It's what makes the worlds a better place.

Make sure to check out 'A Letter to My Sister' and 'Erase Me' here:

And follow Genevieve on social media:

Twitter: @GenevieveD14

Instagram: @gemini_music


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