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INTERVIEW: Abby Miracle

Can you please introduce yourself?

I'm Abby Miracle, I'm 20 years old and I'm a singer/songwriter from a small town called Opelika, Alabama.

How did you get started in music?

When I was 6 years old, I was picked by a team in my church to sing a solo during a Christmas program. It was several nights and I sang in front around a thousand people each night. I still don't know to this day how I did it! Since then I realized how much I loved music and continued to sing in church and whenever I could. I kept journals of lyric ideas starting at maybe age 9 and then by age 15 I bought a ukulele and the rest was history.

What artist(s) inspire you?

I'm absolutely encouraged and inspired by Twenty One Pilots and how they built such a high following from honest music.

Can you tell us about your new song? You mentioned to us that it's a new sound for you, how so?

My past releases have been pretty much 100% acoustic and very singer/songwriter. This new song, Parachute On My Heart, has sort of a soft rock sound. It's electric and upbeat the way I've never produced my songs before. It's similar to some of the songs I love most by the band Black Market Research out of Nashville.

Was there any kind of inspiration behind this song that you don't mind sharing with us?

The song is about having feelings for someone and being afraid of what could happen if you tell them. Will they make fun of me? Will it change my life for the better or for worse? The people around you, have having less anxiety filled experiences with love, tell you to just "tale the leap of faith." I started writing this song in January/February of last year not yet knowing that it resonated with me so deeply. Before the year was even halfway through, I was realizing that the song came from a place inside me that I hadn't discovered. That's something I really love about writing; it can help you discover parts of you that you never realized existed.

Often times we see a strong emotional connection between the writer and the song, can you tell us what this song means to you?

This song means a lot to me because it's like a snapshot of this one time in my life. Listening back on it, I'm taken back to the emotions I found when creating it.

Lastly, is there anything else you would like to tell our audience?

The music video will be released on YouTube, also on the 14th. It shows the end of the story, from how I experienced it.

My music is available on all digital music platforms.

You can find merchandise and physical album copies on my bandcamp site

Updates on releases and live shows and links to social media can be found on my website

Make sure you check out Abby's newest release, "Parachute On My Heart," dropping February 14th on all music platforms!

Cover photo by Kentt David Photography


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