Kamryn Marie is a EDM/Pop artist who just released a track titled "Baby Girl" as well as a touching music video to go with it. Ashley got the chance to talk with Kamryn a few weeks ago about the song and the filming of the video but she also got the opportunity to learn more about Kamryn and we are so excited to share this all with you.
In case our readers don’t know who you are, could you introduce yourself?
Yeah! So, my music name is Kamryn Marie. I’m 25 years old, I currently reside in Maryland but I’m gonna actually be moving to the Nashville area this fall. I have basically been singing since I could make noise. I watched musicals growing up, I was in a honors choir in fifth grade, I did a lot of chorus. I had a bunch of lyrics written that I never did anything with, and wanted to, so I started recording music. I didn’t actually have the intent of releasing my music but we did end up releasing a song and ever since then I’ve just continued to release.
So you kind of just said a little bit about this just then, but is there anything specifically that got you into the music industry? Like, family or friends?
I guess I kind of just wanted to get my thoughts that were already on paper and turn them into music. I was originally just recorded for myself, just to have for myself, and not share publicly. My parents actually pushed me to get into the studio and start recording. My producer kind of pushed me a little bit to release some music and that’s kind of how it all started. I did have a pretty intense breakup that caused a lot of my lyrics, like it sparked my lyric writing, and that also helped push me into the studio.
You have a new song coming out, Babygirl, what is that about?
So, um, I am recently engaged, as of July. My dad had a bit of a different reaction when the engagement happened, he came across as really upset and angry, and it just wasn’t like him. So, after a bit of trying to see from his perspective, I determined it was because he was sad and scared of me leaving from the nest. So, that inspired the song, I wrote it to both of my parents. Basically just saying that I understood their feelings but I need to kind of go off and do my own thing now. I’ve got a new life now, but I’m not gonna stray too far and I’ll always love you.
How did your parents react to the song?
So, they didn’t know about it until it was done. I kept it a secret, and I actually set up a photoshoot with my parents for the cover photo, and they thought I just wanted photos of all of us. It was actually pretty frustrating trying to set that up because my parents kept saying, “Oh your brother can take the photos.” or “You can just take one off of one of the albums.” And I was trying not to spill the beans but I had to get those professional photos taken. So, we managed to get through the photoshoot, and they still had no idea, and I actually played the song after all of the photos were taken, and both of my parents were in tears.
So, what was the filming process like for the music video?
I hired J. Lockhart Media, they’re based out of Nashville. So, Josh actually drove down from Nashville to shoot it, he drove down to Maryland. And his partner Kevin came from Philly and assisted him. And it was honestly probably one of the most stressful experiences that I’ve ever dealt with because I’d decided to take on the responsibility of scouting locations, finding actors, hiring them and basically organizing everything. It actually ended up going really well, everything went really smoothly, it’s releasing with the song on the thirteenth of February. It’s covered basically little pieces of my life growing up, my parents, and then it actually does have a wedding scene in it, which was really fun to film. I actually got three actresses that was a young girl, a teen girl, and a young adult girl that all looked relatively similar that they could be the same person just at different times, it was very hard to find but it looks pretty great.
Not having to do with your song, if you could describe to someone who has never heard it before, how would you do that?
So, I’ve been kind of playing around with different genres. I started off with pop because that’s kind of my safe haven I guess, or my comfort zone, and when I started to take more risks with my music and branch out a little bit I tried some EDM and also I haven’t actually mentioned this yet but on the upcoming album there actually is a song that is a bit more country than I’m used to. I guess if I had to pick some artists that are kind of similar I would have to say Cassadee Pope and Lauren Alaina maybe.
Is there anyone else that inspires your music and writing?
So I’m a huge fan of artists that talk about real emotional incidents. So, like Lauren Alaina is definitely one of those people, she gets pretty raw with her lyrics. I love to write my lyrics about things you don’t really hear about, so one of my songs are called ‘Panic Attack’ and it was literally written right after I had experienced a panic attack just kind of talking about how you feel during it. Cassadee Pope just realized a new song about how if her heart had a heart it’s basically saying that if it did it wouldn’t be putting her through this hell and it goes into detail about that. I love that kind of stuff, I mean it’s pretty easy to write about a love interest or a break up but when you get into the actual feelings, that’s what I like.
What are your future plans, besides moving to Nashville?
I’ve got an album that would be released later this year, there may be more than just the album that is to be determined currently. I have no intention on stopping, I’m already starting to look around for a studio when I move, so I’m not stopping.
Could we expect any more music videos soon?
Yeah, actually, I do think I’m gonna do a few more. I’m also dabbling with the idea of starting to preform.
If you could choose anywhere you could play a show at, where would it be?
Oh, wow, um I guess like, so I spent the first like nineteen years of my life in DC so I consider that basically home. Um, if I could play at like the Verizon Center in DC I feel like that would be a huge accomplishment. When I was in middle school I was in a band, and I competed in Battle of the Bands a few times and I did get get a couple of opportunities to perform at the 930 Club down there. But, I think the Verizon Center would be awesome because I used to go there frequently for concerts.
We changed up our signature question up a little bit, so the first part was what would you say to someone who was wanting to start in the music industry?
Well, first off there’s really no “right way” to start. I think you should write down anything and everything, if it changes your mood, if it gives you that emotion, write it down and turn it into music. Also, don’t hold back, so that kind of goes in a couple different directions. So like, if you have the lyrics and did what I did for multiple years and just kind of piled them up and shoved them into a binder and didn’t really do anything with them. I regret not recording my music sooner, so I mean, as you write start recording, get it into music. I’m sure there’s a lot of people that can relate to your experiences. Also, don’t be embarrassed with what you’re writing about, i mean I wrote about a panic attack. There’s a lot of mental health stigmas that need to be broken down, so write while you’re depressed, write while you’re anxious or when you’re having a panic attack or whatever and share it because a lot of people would love to hear it.
Is there something else you would like to talk about? Your music, or yourself, just to get more stuff about you out there?
I guess the fact that music is only half of my life. I’m currently a grad student at Kent State University in Ohio, and I’m getting my masters in science in clinical epidemiology. So, I’m trying to do medical research and trying to find a cure or preventive measure for Alzheimer's disease as well as autism.